Many times, people are very attached to the plants in their gardens and they want to take certain plants with them when they move. There may be favorite specimen trees you planted as small saplings and watched grow over the years, perennials that were grown from plants given to you by friends and family, or sentimental shrubs that were planted in honor of deceased loved ones that you can’t bear to leave behind. It may not be economically feasible to take ALL the plants with you, but with good planning and execution, you can take the plants that mean the most with you to your new home.
Factor #1: Size of the Plant
There are many factors to consider when deciding if you can take a plant with you. The first is size, because the bigger the plant, the more expensive it will be to move. What is the economic threshold for taking it with you versus planting a new one? Large trees can be moved, but will it be worth it?
Perennial gardens can be divided and moved with relative ease and it can be an effective way to take small parts of large gardens with to establish new gardens without breaking the bank. The transplant is only the initial cost and the post-transplant care to re-establish the plants in their new home must be considered in the overall cost.
Factor #2: Species
The second factor to consider is species. Will the species survive transplanting well? Some species are easily transplanted while others simply won’t tolerate a move. Some require extensive preparation and post-transplant care, but can still survive.
Factor #3: Transplant Season
The third thing to consider is the season. When are you moving? When is the best season to transplant the species you want to take with you? Perhaps it may coincide that your move occurs in the optimal season to transplant the plants you want to take with, but it’s also possible that it won’t. This will require extra planning to prepare the plant for less than optimal timing on the move. February and March are two optimal months for transplanting a large variety of species and preparation for moves made in these months begins in August of the preceding year. Plan ahead to use the seasons prior to the move optimally.
Factor #4: Work With a Professional
The most important part of planning a transplant process for your plants is working with a knowledgeable arborist or horticulturalist that can create a winning plan and then see it into action. For a successful transplant operation the professional you are working with should have intimate knowledge of all the factors involved. True professionals will understand and be able to explain what root pruning, root stimulation, drum lacing and root establishment entail.
Let us know if you are interested in transplanting and we can start creating a plan for your plants now!
by Stacey Marcell, Licensed Arborist
Stacey Marcell, owner of Northeast Horticultural Services, has a profound passion for the environment and the cultivation of healthy, attractive and sustainable trees and landscapes. Her dedication to the environment and deep love for nature led her to form Northeast Horticultural Services. She hopes to educate people to be good stewards of the earth and looks to form lasting relationships with clients so she can watch her landscapes grow to their full potential.
Arborist #S-4454
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